An complete step-by-step checklist and video training to prepare you (and vaccinate you) for the challenges, down-falls and milestones as you create 6-Figures with online strategies in your business.
a detailed step-by step video training of how to find and recruit ideal prospects for your network marketing business through Facebook
Masa is from Slovenia, graduated from Oxford University and then got her PhD. At the age of 27, she was faced with the disappointment of a low-paying scientific career: “I moved to Australia in 2004 with just two suitcases and $2000 in my pocket.”
Miguel is from Spain and trained as a commercial pilot, but found that aviation industry was always one of the first ones to get hit in any economic downturn. “After living for several years in both England and Dubai, I left everything to start a new life in Australia in 2005.”
We found network marketing at the end of 2005! For the past decade we have built large organisations with many 10,000s people worldwide. In addition, we launched our generic training platform called Pyjama Bosses in early 2014, where we help home-based business owners to create more results and success. We live in Brisbane, Australia and travel frequently to support our worldwide teams.
Mark was able to earn a 7 figure income during his 2nd year in network marketing. He was able to do this by mastering the art of influence, Pay Per Click advertising and duplication. For years, the name Mark Hoverson was unknown to many, as he silently made a fortune in a tiny travel niche company. Like most home business entrepreneurs, early on in his career, Mark had struggled to come up with the cash needed to invest inthings like leads, business tools, and industry events that he was attending. Allt he while he was living in a trailer, on food stamps, and barely able to hold his marriage together.
Still, he was able to build a business “old school style” – cold calling leads, chasing friends and family, doing events… all the things us “new school marketers” now dread.
Mark quickly learned the secrets of creating attraction through online marketing systems and running his business 7-figure style.
Today, Mark has made a name for himself in the MLM industry by becoming a “direct response” dynamo and simply applying his creativity and passion to internet marketing. He has created many successful products, and is a well-known speaker and trainer in our industry.
The FAST TRACK to 6-Figure Online MLM is the absolute best value we have for an entrepreneur that is eager to ask, learn and implement these strategies and we think you’ll agree once you see inside.
Like all our training, the FAST TRACK to 6-Figure Online MLM comes with a 100%, 30-Day, no-risk, money-back guarantee.